Read the Statement of Commitment
Protecting children and vulnerable adults
Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview is a ministry of the Australian Jesuit Province. The Province has policies in place regarding how both religious and lay people engage in their ministry. The principles, protocols and standards of practice governing the work of Jesuits and lay partners are outlined in the Province’s Policy for Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults.
Principles and procedures relating to how Australian Church ministries engage in ministry are also outlined in the Towards Healing document, as well as the documents Integrity in Service of the Church and Integrity in Ministry. Issues involving Church-related abuse are dealt with via the National Committee for Professional Standards.
The Truth, Justice and Healing Council is coordinating the Catholic Church’s response to the Royal Commission with a commitment to cooperation, openness, full disclosure and justice for victims and survivors.
Child Protection Guidelines
The College has its own professional standards procedures that operate alongside the above arrangements. These procedures are as follows:
Reporting, remedy and redress
If anyone wishes to bring a complaint of abuse against any member of staff, present or past, of a Jesuit school or other ministry, they may do so in any of the following ways:
If you believe a crime has been committed, contact the police – NSW Police Sexual Crimes Unit on 132 111, or 000.
- Please refer to the options on our Province website.
- Contact the College Principal (Mr Mark Tannock) on 02 9882 8278.
- Contact the Jesuit Provincial’s Assistant for Professional Standards (currently Mr Simon Davies) on 03 9810 7300.
Please note that when children are involved, NSW has mandatory reporting provisions to the police or relevant state authority.
Details on how to access the National Redress Scheme can be found here: