Ignatian Spirituality
Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview is a Catholic School in the Ignatian tradition. This rich spiritual heritage is the centre of our ministry at Riverview and it is what characterises us as a Jesuit school. Our challenge is to celebrate and foster that difference by ensuring that all staff understand Ignatian spirituality, and appreciate the promise of growth that it offers. This spirituality may then be passed on to the boys in our care.
We aim to merge true Christian values and attitudes and a loving relationship with God and others through knowledge, understanding and experience of the Catholic faith both as individuals and as members of the Church community. We aim to encourage an attitude of openness to life’s questions, promote personal growth and developing an awareness of others and the world.
Formation is a comprehensive and multi-faceted process and each Year group follows a service-based program which is aligned with other components such as Retreats, Ignatian Service and Liturgies.
We are committed to nurturing the knowledge, awareness and attitudes within each student so that they become informed living witnesses to the values of Jesus Christ who seek to respond to God’s actions in their lives.
Parent Formation
As part of the Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview community, every parent shares in the mission of the Society of Jesus — a mission that is grounded in the service of faith and the promotion of justice.
As companions with the Jesuits, Riverview parents are invited to travel on a journey with Ignatius, seeking and finding God in all things — in every moment of the day in every event, large or small, in their life.
We believe that through an understanding of Ignatian spirituality, parents can come to know God and Jesus Christ more closely, more clearly, more deeply. The Ignatian Formation Programs offer parents an opportunity to discover more about Ignatian education and St Ignatius himself — his life, his dreams and his desires to help others ‘for the greater glory of God’.
Student Formation
It is our deep desire that students become intellectually competent, articulate and confident in their questioning regarding faith issues so that they may be active participants in the church of the future. To this end students participate in a comprehensive program of formation.
Retreats are designed to assist students in nurturing their relationships with themselves, others and God. The compulsory Retreat Program, from Years 5-12, is designed specifically for each year group, linked directly to the theme of the year and the formal Religious Education Curriculum.
The College’s liturgical life is an integral part of its identity as a Catholic school. Apart from whole school celebrations, there are a variety of other liturgical experiences which occur on a regular basis throughout the College year. The eucharist is celebrated daily and on major feast days and special events across the whole school community and student Masses occur approximately twice a term.
Arrupe Academy
The Arrupe Academy is a five week program that focuses on the development of Ignatian Leadership in students. Each week a guest speaker addresses different topics on Christian leadership. The aim of the program is to develop an understanding of important principles of Christian leadership, especially those to do with one’s own internal values, with community building, with decision-making, and service.
Staff Formation
Our challenge is to ensure that all staff understand Ignatian spirituality, and appreciate the promise of growth that it offers. This spirituality may then be passed on to the boys in our care. The College is very committed to its Staff Formation program. On the other hand, we are aware that Ignatian spirituality is not an end in itself. It is one of many ways of finding God in our lives.
The Core Program
All teachers are required to complete the four components of the core program during their first four years of service. In addition to these seminars, all staff participate in an annual Day of Spirituality.
What Else is Offered?
Spiritual formation, like learning, never ends, and so there is a wide range of activities that staff are invited and encouraged to participate in during their time at Riverview. Although some of the programs are specifically for teachers, others are more general and all staff members are welcome to participate. One of the activities is a three day retreat, held away from the College, which introduces staff to the outline of the Spiritual Exercises. Also each year all there is an opportunity to undertake a retreat in daily life, in which the participant prays daily and meets regularly with a spiritual director. Structured reading programs are another popular option.